5239 Blowers St, Halifax NS
1.902.446.6600 ~ [email protected]
Blower's Street Entrance
Between Willie's Fries and ASAP Mabuhay Bar & Grill (Rocky's) on Pizza Corner
Argyle Street Entrance
To the right of the Loose Cannon Pub
Between Willie's Fries and ASAP Mabuhay Bar & Grill (Rocky's) on Pizza Corner
Argyle Street Entrance
To the right of the Loose Cannon Pub
Hourly Parking close to studio on:
Halifax has removed all parking meters and have replaced them with PARKING PAY STATIONS, there is one on every street.
You can pay with cash, credit or debit and choose any amount of time you want. You must know your license plate number to get your ticket to park. Keep it on you. Parking on weekdays after 6 and on weekends is free .
1 hr ~ $3.75 per hour from 10 am - 1 pm
$2.50 from 8-10 am and from 1-5 pm
Maximum daily charge of $27.50
Paid Parking Garages:
METRO PARK on Hollis St, just down from Barrington
Scotia Square off Duke St
Park Lane Parkaid Dresden Rowe (behind Park Lane Mall)
Halifax has removed all parking meters and have replaced them with PARKING PAY STATIONS, there is one on every street.
You can pay with cash, credit or debit and choose any amount of time you want. You must know your license plate number to get your ticket to park. Keep it on you. Parking on weekdays after 6 and on weekends is free .
1 hr ~ $3.75 per hour from 10 am - 1 pm
$2.50 from 8-10 am and from 1-5 pm
Maximum daily charge of $27.50
Paid Parking Garages:
METRO PARK on Hollis St, just down from Barrington
Scotia Square off Duke St
Park Lane Parkaid Dresden Rowe (behind Park Lane Mall)